Regulation for "Made Green in Italy" implementation scheme and adhesion

With Decree No. 56/2018, came into force on 13th June 2018, the regulation establishing the operating procedures of the scheme called "Made Green in Italy" aimed at promoting products with high environmental qualification through the use of the logo "Made Green in Italy" is established. Products are defined as goods, services, intermediate or semi-finished products.

After the publication of the regulation, some interpretative clarifications have been published regarding the preliminary steps necessary to make the "Made Green in Italy" scheme operative, that is the procedure related to the presentation, elaboration and approval of a PCR (Product Category Rule), the preliminary step leading to the realization of a PEF study and the request for use of the logo.


  • Interpretative clarifications

15th January 2019
18th February 2020
- 17th January 2022


  • Forms

Form A
Form B
Form C

The implementation of the scheme involves two phases.

Phase one: development of Product Category Rules (PCR)

Phase two: joining "Made Green in Italy" scheme

How to apply for the "Made Green in Italy" scheme

How to submit documentation


Phase one: development of Product Category Rules (PCR)

To join "Made Green in Italy" scheme with one or more products, it is required to have specific PCR, documents containing methodological indications that define mandatory and optional rules and requirements necessary to conduct studies on the environmental footprint for that specific product category.

The PCRs can be proposed by subjects (private or public) included at least three companies representing the majority share of the sector of the specific product category for which it is intended to propose the elaboration of PCRs within the scheme. - These subjects must include at least one small and medium-sized enterprise, according to the definition provided by the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development, 18th April 2005. For majority share it is meant more than 50% of the turnover referred to the solar year preceding the PCRs proposal.

Since, therefore, adherence to the scheme is limited to products for which there is a valid Product Category Rule, two scenarios may occur:

  • if a PEFCR has been defined for a specific product category at European level, this must be transposed into the PCR to be developed and integrated with the additional mandatory and optional requirements;
  • otherwise, a new PCR is developed nationwide.

Below are the links to the official documents made available by the European Commission useful for the elaboration of PCR:

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How to apply for proposal development

The proposing companies shall send to the manager of the scheme, i.e. the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Directorate General circular economy,, the application to process a PCR proposal related to a specific product category, using the form A referred to in Annex I of Decree No. 56/2018.

If the application submitted with form A has been accepted, the proposing entities shall transmit the PCR proposal, using form B  set out in Annex I of Decree No. 56/2018.

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Phase two: joining "Made Green in Italy" scheme

The application to join the scheme can be made if:

  • the PCR of the product category in which the specific product for which membership is requested is available and valid;
  • the product for which membership of the scheme is requested is classifiable as a "Made in Italy" product pursuant to letter v), paragraph 1, of Article 2 of Decree No. 56/2018;
  • the technical documents referred to Annex II, point 1 - number 2) have been validated after undergoing independent third party verification with the issue of the certificate.

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How to apply for the "Made Green in Italy" scheme

Joining the scheme for an applicant subject is aimed to the release of "Made Green in Italy" logo.

To this end, the applicant subject sends an application to join the scheme by PEC to, using the form C , set out in Annex II of Decree No. 56/2018.

Form C can be used in two cases:

  • for the first logo release;
  • for the renewal of the license to use the logo.

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How to submit documentation

The documentation must be sent electronically to and, in order for the forms sent to be legally valid, must follow at least one of the procedures set out in article 65 ("Instances and declarations submitted to public administrations electronically") of Legislative Decree No. 82 of 7th March 2005 ("Digital Administration Code"); for example

  • the forms sent must bear the digital signature of the declarant;
  • the person sending the forms must be recognized through the Public Digital Identity System (SPID);
  • a copy of a valid identity document of the subject submitting the form must be attached to the form.

All documentation must be sent to

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Regulation description map

Article 1 of Decree No. 56/2018 defines the scope of the scheme for products defined as "Made in Italy" (paragraph 1), indicating as the purpose of the regulation those referred to in Article 21, paragraph 3, of Law No. 221 of 2015, together with the issuance of the logo for "Made Green in Italy" products.

Article 2 lists the definitions used in the articles and annexes (paragraph 1).

Article 3 regulates the procedure that proposing parties must follow in order to submit a RCP proposal, specifying the relative timetable, and establishing: the method of sending the request for the development of a PCR proposal for a specific product category (paragraphs 1 and 2); the path of acceptance or request for integration of the documents (paragraph 3). The article also establishes the pathway for the approval of the PCR, which passes through the submission of the text to the manager once the request has been accepted (paragraphs 4 and 5) and sets out the procedures for carrying out public consultation (paragraphs 6 and 7) aimed at defining the PCR, at the end of which the parties proposing the PCR revision (paragraph 8) send it to the manager of the scheme who in turn publishes on his own website the results of the consultation itself, as well as the observations and deductions of the parties proposing the PCR (paragraph 9). Specific reference is made to Annex I for the technical details of the PCR (PCR index, product category, benchmark, additional mandatory and optional requirements).

Article 4 establishes the terms of validity of PCR and regulates the methods for updating the same by means of public consultation to be carried out in the following cases: before the expiry of the term of validity (paragraphs 1 and 2); in the event of the entry into force of a PEFCR for the same product category subsequent to the approval of a PCR document (paragraph 4); or, in the event of changes in the processes, regulations or technologies applied to the production of the products subject to the PCR (paragraph 5).

Article 5 regulates the application to join the scheme for requesting parties (paragraphs 1 and 2), that is producers of products classifiable as "Made in Italy", referring both the procedural aspects and the procedures for joining the scheme to Annex II (paragraph 3).

Article 6 regulates the procedures for independent third-party certification of the technical documentation referred to in Annex II, point 1 - number 2 (paragraphs 1 and 2), validation of this documentation and the issue of a certificate of product conformity with the requirements of the Regulation (paragraph 3), referring to Annex III for the procedural aspects. The article also specifies that after the first certification the renewal must be carried out every three years (paragraph 4).

Article 7 regulates the procedures for granting the license to use the logo (paragraph 1), as well as indicating the validity and renewal procedures (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4), referring to Annex IV for the procedures relating to use of the logo and communication of the results (paragraph 6). Furthermore, the publication of the list of products adhering to the scheme and the periods of validity of the license to use the logo are established (paragraph 5).

Article 8 identifies joining to the "Made Green in Italy" scheme the element of certification towards the contracting stations of the environmental performance of the product for compliance with the technical specifications, where relevant and concerning the life cycle of the product. This taking into account the provisions of Articles 34 and 87 of Legislative Decree 18th April 2016, No. 50, on energy and environmental sustainability criteria and quality certification (paragraph 1).

Article 9 provides that the annexes form an integral part of the regulations (paragraph 1) and that the provisions of the regulations will be implemented without new or greater expense for the public finances (paragraph 2).

Annex I of the decree sets out the procedure for the elaboration and updating of RCP defining both the procedure to be followed and the documentation to be produced, including the forms relating to the request for the elaboration of PCR proposal (form A) and the transmission of the PCR proposal (form B). The same annex defines the technical aspects regarding the development of PCRs (product category, representative product, additional mandatory and optional requirements).

Annex II contains the procedure for requesting membership of the scheme, valid both for the first issue of the logo (pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 3) and for the renewal of the license to use the logo (pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 3). The attachment is accompanied by the specific forms (form C).

Annex III sets out the methods of verification and validation referred to in Article 6 of the Regulation and, in particular, indicates the goals, the subject of documentary verification and the competence requirements of the verifiers.

Annex IV provides guidance on the logo and its use and contains rules for affixing the logo to the product and to corporate and advertising materials.

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