The international commitment of Italy to future energy

Sustainable energy, renewables and energy efficiency are key elements in the global commitments taken in 2015 with the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

They are also in the focus of the International Exhibition held in Astana (Kazakhstan) from June 10 to September 10, 2017.

The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) marked its presence in the Italian Pavilion showing its international environmental cooperation in dozens of countries as Italian contribution to reach the global goals.

On the top of its presence, on 3rd of September a Seminar was held to present some of the most significant activities ongoing at different levels and contexts.

The event was organized by the Directorate general for sustainable development of IMELS and saw the collaboration of several national and international institutions, agencies, academia, governments and international organizations.

Agenda of the Seminar (pdf, 5.2 MB)

Contributions (pdf presentations)


Photo Gallery

Stefano Ravagnan, Italian Ambassador in Astana,
Barbara Degani, Undersecretary of State
of the Italian Ministry of the Environment
and Livia Pomodoro,Deputy Dean of University
Milano Bicocca
Salvatore D’Angelo and Felice Cappelluti,
Italian Ministry of the Environment,
Domenico Buzzone, Italian Agency for
Development Cooperation, Wolfgang D’Innocenzo
Italian Ministry for Economic Development
Maria Velardi, Enea and Balisi Gopolang
Ministry of Environment of Botswana
3 4 5
Marco Stefanoni, ENEA with Paolo Galli,
Marco Cavallotti, Maurizio Acciarri,
University Milano Bicocca
The audience at the Seminar Future Energy in environmental 
development cooperation. The Italian contribution
Natalia Aleexeva, UNEP and Rani Al Achkar,
Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC)






Ultimo aggiornamento 12.09.2017