Fostering agriculture in NDC: challenges and opportunity for Africa


IT    EN

Fostering agriculture in NDC: challenges and opportunity for Africa
COP 23 – EU Pavilion, Bonn
Tuesday, 14 November 2017 (11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m)

The impacts of climate change are reducing the capacity of natural resources to sustain food demand of the world`s increasing population. The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) emphasize the importance of supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation through the agricultural sectors. 126 countries listed agriculture as a priority for adaptation, while 104 countries did so for mitigation. 32 countries specifically refer to climate-smart agriculture, an approach to simultaneously address sustainable productivity increase, adaptation and mitigation, where possible.

Countries are now embarking on the implementation of these NDCs. What does this mean for the agricultural sectors? How do countries adapt their policies? What concrete strategies can be developed to support them?

The side events wants to address these questions by sharing experiences and initiatives of FAO, EU and the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) in supporting African countries in implementing NDCs on mitigation/adaptation of climate change in the agriculture sector, and in meeting SDGs.

When: November 14, 2017 (time: 11.15-12.45)

Where: COP 23 – EU Pavilion

Moderator: Rima Al Azar (Senior Natural Resources Officer climate and Environment Division- FAO)


• Francesco La Camera - Director General for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage, European Union and International Affairs-
  Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS);
• René Castro Salazar - Assistant-Director General - Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department - FAO;
• Roberto Ridolfi - Director Planet and Prosperity, European Commission (DG DEVCO);
• Thabang L. Botshoma- Deputy Permanent Secretary Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
   of the  Republic of Botswana;
• Representatives the Government of Uganda- tbd.


The conference will be conducted in English (interpretation will not be available)



Ultimo aggiornamento 10.11.2017