COP28: MASE joins the Amazon Fund with five million

Fonte immagine: MASEItalian support for planning sustainable development models in the region was made official in Dubai

Dubai, December 3rd – The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security has signed its membership of the Amazon Fund, meeting representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank, (IDB), during COP 28 taking place in Dubai. A membership that demonstrates the priorities assigned by the Ministry to the protection of natural heritage and biodiversity.

  The Fund, active since 2021, aims to support public and private entities in the Amazon region in the planning and implementation of sustainable development models, in particular on issues related to the protection of biodiversity and soil, sustainable use of forestry resources, sustainable agriculture and livestock farming, and the creation of value chains for the development of local and indigenous communities, (IPLCs), women and youth.

Joining the Amazon Bio-economy and Forest Management Fund, (AMZ), for 5 million Euros is part of the "Amazon Forever" initiative, and represents the continuation of a collaboration path that will be able to expand the environmental cooperation relationships of the Ministry with the initiative beneficiary countries, (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname), and with the other donor countries of the Fund, (Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), for sustainable, inclusive and resilient development of the Amazon region.


Ultimo aggiornamento 04.12.2023