Climate change, biodiversity and protected natural areas: work program signed in the Italy-Mexico cooperation area

Fonte immagine: MATTM – DG SVI

Mexico City, March 3, 2017 - Following the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Rome in July 2016, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, (SEMARNAT), of the Mexican United States met to hold the first Joint Committee on March 3. In this context, they approved the Rules of Procedure, the Guidelines for Bilateral Cooperation and the Work Program which starts the Italy-Mexico cooperation in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, biodiversity and protected natural areas.

Activities will focus on weather early warning systems, climate change monitoring, evaluation and reporting, (MRV), and marine protected areas.

Specifically, the promotion of meteorological warning systems and risk management, (early warning and risk assessment), aim at strengthening preventive systems to reduce the country's vulnerability to phenomena linked to climate change. Particular attention will also be paid to biodiversity and marine protected areas.

Furthermore, actions to support monitoring, evaluation and reporting in the implementation of policies and actions to fight climate change and, in particular, the mitigation and adaptation commitments undertaken by the country, (including the so-called "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions"-INDC), will be of fundamental importance in the implementation of one's national strategy.

Finally, a possible triangular type of cooperation was outlined which would see the involvement, in addition to Italy and Mexico, of a third country.

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Città del Messico, 3 marzo 2017 - Francesco La Camera, Direttore Generale della DG SVI, ed Enrique Lendo Fuentes, International Affairs Coordination Unit, Ministero dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali degli Stati Uniti Messicani, al momento della firma del Programma di lavoro Città del Messico, 3 marzo 2017 - Francesco La Camera, Direttore Generale della DG SVI, ed Enrique Lendo Fuentes, International Affairs Coordination Unit, Ministero dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali degli Stati Uniti Messicani, al momento della firma del Programma di lavoro Città del Messico, 3 marzo 2017 - Francesco La Camera, Direttore Generale della DG SVI, ed Enrique Lendo Fuentes, International Affairs Coordination Unit, Ministero dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali degli Stati Uniti Messicani, al momento della firma del Programma di lavoro Città del Messico, 3 marzo 2017 - Francesco La Camera, Direttore Generale della DG SVI, ed Enrique Lendo Fuentes, International Affairs Coordination Unit, Ministero dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali degli Stati Uniti Messicani, al momento della firma del Programma di lavoro


Fonte immagine: MATTM - DG SVI


Fonte immagine: MATTM - DG SVI Fonte immagine: MATTM - DG SVI Fonte immagine: MATTM - DG SVI
Fonte immagine: MATTM - DG SVI    




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