
    The Agreements


    Memorandum of Understanding (Marrakech, November 2015 – November 2020)

Cooperation in the field of climate change vulnerability, risk assessment, adaptation and mitigation to climate change

Counterpart: Ministry of Habitat, Urban Planning and the Environment of the Republic of Djibouti.
Budget: 3 million euros that can be integrated.
Areas of intevention:

  • Support to the environmental governance, in particular through the support for the identification, adoption and monitoring of strategies and programs for mitigation and adaptation to climate change;
  • development of renewable energy sources and enhancement of energy efficiency;
  • promotion of sustainable agricultural practices;
  • integrated management of water resources.

- Memorandum of Understanding Italy - Djibouti (17 November 2016, ENITFR
- Amendment to the Memorandum of Undertanding (November, 16 2017, EN)
- Djibouti Work Plan (May 15, 2017, EN)


    Ongoing projects

 A Nearly Zero Emission Sustainable Building in the University of Djibuti

Euro 1.047.500
  Renewable Energy Potential Assessment in Djibouti Euro 40.000


    Completed projects
  Feasibility study for the realization of two boreholes in the localities of Adbouya and Bondara in the Tadjourah and Dikhil
regions, Djibouti
Euro 34.000




    09/01/2019   Call in Djibouti for the construction of 2 wells in rural areas in the regions of Tadjourah and Dikhil
    11/12/2018   Fourth meeting of the Joint Committee in Katowice
    09/05/2018   Third meeting of the Joint Committee, renewable energies and energy efficiency at the center of 2 new project proposals
    18/04/2018   Second technical mission of the Ministry of the Environment-Enea in Djibouti
    15/02/2018   Tender for feasibility study for the construction of two wells in Djibouti
    16/11/2017   Second meeting of the Joint Committee, the projects on resilience in rural areas and sustainable construction approved
    11/07/2017   First technical mission of the Ministry of the Environment-Enea to Djibouti
    15/05/2017   First meeting of the Joint Committee: Djibouti and Italy approve the Work Plan



Photo Gallery

Djibouti, April, 17-18, 2018 - Inspection of the University Campus as part of the A Nearly Zero Emission Sustainable Building project in the University of Djibouti
Djibouti, April, 17-18, 2018  - Meeting with the Minister of the Environment of Djibouti Moussa Ahmed
Djibouti, April, 17-18, 2018 - Meeting with the Minister of Higher Education and Research of Djibouti, Nabil Mohamed Ahmed
Djibouti, April, 17-18, 2018  - Meeting with the Italian companies present in Djibouti




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