

On 4th September 2017 the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance cooperation on vulnerability to climate change, risk management, adaptation and mitigation.

The Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea will co-finance the activities approved under the MOU with a maximum amount of 2 million euros.


    Work Paln
The medium-term Work Plan, approved on 25 January 2019, provides that the approved projects will be able to promote the following activities:
joint development and implementation of projects supported by international environmental funding in the field of greenhouse gas emission control, including support on the legislative framework, evaluation of the activities of state bodies, emissions trading. Particular attention will be given to the preparation of proposals for the Green Climate Fund (including readiness funding, strengthening of National Designated Authorities, technical assistance for the preparation of projects also taking into account the new simplified access procedure - SAP, etc.); 
development of the register of carbon units with connection to the registers of international transactions and adaptation to the requirements of national legislation and finalization of the national inventory on greenhouse gas emissions in the framework of the UNFCCC;
feasibility study for the development of specialized software for trading carbon units in Kazakhstan, taking into account European standards and international experience and training of national experts on carbon emissions trading systems, based on the European framework of ETS;
implementation of a geo-portal system for territorial information based on international / European standards for the classification of land cover, with integration of satellite and aerial data (eg. Land Cover / Use, Land Motion, DTM / DSM aerial LiDAR, etc.) including relevant information on climate change issues (e.g. greenhouse gas projection, floods, air quality, land degradation forecast, etc.) for land management, implementation of climate change activities , SEA, VIA and other relevant uses;
development and updating of economic and climate change scenarios, including assessments of the costs of inactivity;
development and implementation of "green" projects, including the carbon footprint, energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change, sustainable waste management, also by supporting the involvement of Italian companies;
sharing of experiences and development of educational programs on the environment for schoolchildren and students and promotion of bilateral cultural events dedicated to World Environment Day.
    Ongoing projects

Supporting the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Fields of Climate Change Vulnerability, Risk Assessment, Adaptation and Mitigation. The project will ensure financial support for the participation of Kazakh experts in international events and bilateral meetings, including Ecomondo 2019-2020, COP25 and 26 and Joint Committee meetings.



- Memorandum of Understanding Italy - Kazakhstan (4th September 2017, EN, IT, RU, Kazakh)
- Financial Document Kazakhstan (17th November 2017, EN)
- Work Plan Kazakistan (25 January 2019, EN)




Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/kazakhstan