Next Steps of the “3 x 100 MW Solar PV With Battery Storage” Bid

By the deadline of 12 July 2018, 75 Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) by national and international companies were submitted at the Ministry of Energy and Water with the purpose to build three solar photovoltaic farms with battery storage. The list of submitted EOI’s is now available online: A special session of the International Beirut Energy Forum 2018 will be dedicated to present the best practices in the field of solar PV with battery storage, opening the floor for participants to shape the development of the next steps of this national bid. The session will be held on Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 5:30 p.m. Access to the session is strictly restricted to delegates. Although attending the session is not a prerequisite to participate in the next phase of the Request for Proposals (RFP), yet LCEC encourages all potential bidders to attend.  



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