Initiation of the Evaluation of the 42 Solar Photovoltaic Farms Proposals

The technical evaluation of the 42 proposals to build solar PV farms by the private sector has started with the objective to finalize the selection by April 2018. An initial review of the 42 offers shows that 22 proposals are in the Bekaa-Hermel district, while the districts of North Lebanon-Akkar, Mount Lebanon and South Lebanon-Nabatiyeh are covered by respectively 10 offers, 6 and 4. The purpose of this initiative is to select three solar farms per district, thus totaling 12 solar farms all over the country with an expected total installed capacity of around 180 MW. A second round for call of proposals of solar farms is expected very soon, aiming at the selection of 24 new solar farms with an expected total capacity of around 360 MW.



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