OSCE – Economic and Enviromental Forum


The Vienna-based Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the world’s largest regional security organization, works on three main dimensions – politico-military, economic and environmental, human rights – and on several cross-dimension activities addressing security challenges that pose a threat across borders, such as climate change, terrorism, radicalization and violent extremism, organized crime, cybercrime and trafficking in drugs, arms and human beings.

The Ministry of the Environment (DG SVI) has constantly followed the work linked to the environmental dimension, in particular through the participation to the Economic and Environmental Forum, the main annual meeting of the OSCE, that gathers numerous representatives from government, civil society, business and international organizations. The Forum key task is two-fold: to inject political stimulus into the debate; and to help draft recommendations and define follow-up action on such issues as green economy, energy security, migration, water management and good governance.

The Forum has an annual theme, chosen by the Presidency in office; Italy is holding the Presidency for the current year.



Stefania Tomaselli
Tel. (+39) 06 5722 8116

Cristiano Piacente
AT Sogesid
Tel. (+39) 06 5722 8179



Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/osce-economic-and-enviromental-forum