Cooperation, renewed partnership with Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS)

Cooperation, renewed partnership with Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS)

New York, November 21, 2023 – Renewal of the collaboration until 2028, with the identification of action priorities and needs, and extension of the partnership also to the theme of "Marine Plastic Pollution", the fight against plastic pollution in the seas.

These are the main points of the 16th meeting of the Joint Committee, (JC), for the Partnership between Italy, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain, and the Pacific Small Island Developing States, (PSIDS), which took place on November 20 at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York.

A meeting that marked a significant step forward, strengthening cooperation between the countries involved to address the increasingly pressing global environmental challenges.

Ambassador Maurizio Massari and Ambassador Ilana V. Seid were present. Representing the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, (MASE), is Roberta Ronzitti, Deputy General Director – DGAEI.


The meeting involved the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations of the donor countries, (Italy, Austria, Luxembourg and Spain), and the Missions of the Governments of the Pacific Island States. The focus of the meeting was the renewal of the partnership, extended for five years, and the discussion on priority issues for the PSIDS.

To enhance the effectiveness of the partnership, the Committee unanimously approved the inclusion of a new collaboration area ​​in the work plan of cooperation activities: a focus has, in fact, been introduced in favor of initiatives to combat marine pollution from plastic, which represents a direct threat to Pacific Island countries, to the ocean ecosystem, to the environment and to the delicate balance of our Planet.

ENEA also took part in the JC, presenting its support activities and opportunities for technical collaboration on the identified topics.

Cooperation with Small Pacific Island Developing States began in 2007, and to date, 51 projects have been approved, providing overall support from MASE exceeding 20 million US dollars. The renewal of the collaboration is, therefore, a confirmation of the Ministry's commitment to supporting future projects that will be agreed within the partnership.


  Cooperazione, rinnovato il partenariato con i Piccoli Stati Insulari in via di Sviluppo del Pacifico (PSIDS) Cooperazione, rinnovato il partenariato con i Piccoli Stati Insulari in via di Sviluppo del Pacifico (PSIDS)




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