Meeting of the Joint Committee with Pacific Small Island States

Riunione del Comitato Congiunto con i Piccoli Stati insulari del Pacifico

NEW YORK (June 27) – The 15th meeting of the Joint Committee of the partnership between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Pacific Small Island Developing States, (PSIDS), was held today at the Italian Representation at the United Nations in New York. The event saw the participation of representatives of 12 Pacific countries and the 4 donor countries, Italy, Spain, Austria, and Luxembourg.

The meeting reconfirmed the strong bond between Italy and the Pacific Small Island States, (PSIDS), that has been created since the start of the Partnership, reaffirming MASE's commitment through environmental cooperation projects that support resilience to climate change and development sustainability of the Pacific countries.

During the meeting, the project proposal "Solar Mini-Grid Systems for Vulnerable Communities in the Outer", presented by the Government of Kiribati, was approved. This is in line with the objectives of the Partnership and aims to install six photovoltaic systems in the most remote islands of the 'Archipelago to expand the local mini grid to the most remote islands of the Archipelago, in order to ensure the satisfaction of local energy demand.

Finally, the meeting represented an opportunity to discuss further common interest areas to be introduced into the aims of the Partnership, in view of the renewal expected by 2023.

Riunione del Comitato Congiunto con i Piccoli Stati insulari del Pacifico   Riunione del Comitato Congiunto con i Piccoli Stati insulari del Pacifico


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