International activities and collaborations


Italy continuously operates to strengthen and integrate the territorial dimension into the national one, in line with the vision outlined in several occasions by the United Nations.

Within this mission, in June 2023, Italy supported the Resolution approved by the Second Session of the UN-Habitat Assembly, and entitled "Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals".

In July 2023 Italy participated to the High-Level Political Forum - HLPF 2023 and in September 2023 the SDG Summit. In the context of the SDG Action Weekend organized in preparation of the SDG Summit 2023, Italy strengthened its collaboration with UN-Habitat with the aim of enhancing multi-stakeholder and multi-level governance and to promote a leading role for Italy on the theme of localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, Italy supports the Local2030 Coalition that was included within the "High Impact Initiatives" (HII) highlighted by the SDG Action Weekend. “HII” are programs or projects aimed at demonstrating that transformative progress is possible despite challenging global circumstances and at mobilizing further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale between now and 2030.  The Local2030 Coalition is an initiative led by UN Habitat in partnership with other Agencies, UN Programmes and Member States including Italy. Italy, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), has provided a financial contribution for the creation of an international knowledge hub for SDGs localization. This partnership represents a good opportunity to convey what has been done at national level, promoting visibility to Italian Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Metropolitan Cities in the context of UN high profile meetings. Similarly, the G20 Platform for Local and Intermediary Cities" (G20 PLIC), established during the Italian presidency, represents another contribution to enforce the role of Italy on these issues. Both of these initiatives are expressly mentioned in the above-mentioned Resolution "Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals".

The attention to the topic of SDGs localization is increasing also at European level. The Council of the European Union approved in November 2023 the Conclusions “Developing the 2030 Agenda to reach the goals: Accelerating the localization of the SDGs”, focusing on the role of regional and local governments in the achievement of SDGs and 2030 Agenda.

With regard to the monitoring of the SDGs in European regions, in 2022, the Joint Research Center of the European Commission launched and coordinated the pilot project "Regions230: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions - Filling the data gaps", supported by the European Parliament and developed in collaboration with EUROSTAT and DG REGIO. The project was aimed at supporting SDG monitoring processes at regional level, by identifying a common set of indicators and also involving local authorities in information and training processes on the correct data collection and analysis. For Italy, the Piedmont Region and the Apulia Region were selected and participated. Both the Italian Regions take the occasion of the project to carry on the implementation and monitoring of their Regional Strategies for Sustainable Development, in line with the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS). The result of the work of the Region of Puglia and Piedmont was shared with the other Italian regional governments within the Territorial Working Groups, to foster the sharing of methods and practices.


Main topics

National Sustainable Development Strategy

Strategic framework

National Action Plan for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

Monitoring and assessment

Italy at the United Nations and the Voluntary National Reviews

“NSDS System”: actors, mechanisms, tools

Enabling conditions for sustainability: localization, PCSD, culture, participation

Localizing SDGs

Italian territories for Sustainable Development


International activities and collaborations


Policy coherence for sustainable development (PCSD)
Culture for sustainability
Participation for sustainable development






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