Enabling conditions for sustainability: localization, PCSD, culture, participation


The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) includes three "Sustainability Vectors", intended as the enabling conditions to trigger and support the transforming path claimed by the 2030 Agenda. The Vector 1 “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD)”, Vector 2 “Culture for Sustainable Development”, and Vector 3 “Participation for Sustainable Development”, have a central role within the NSDS as they represent the necessary elements to strengthen, expand and integrate the NSDS implementation process at all levels, and with the collaboration of all the actors included in the “NSDS System”.

In particular, “PCSD” (vector 1) has a direct impact on the setting of the national governance for sustainability, and on the programming, monitoring and evaluation of public policies. PCSD works on cross-sectoral and transversal issues and was operationalized within the National Action Plan on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD NAP). “Participation” (vector 3) is fundamental for a broad involvement of the entire community and for guaranteeing a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach to the NSDS implementation. Education, training, information and communication – or “Culture” (vector 2), are aimed at creating a common language and ground for the full development of governance and participatory processes. Finally, the theme of the localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and of the role of territories, is a cornerstone for all the activities carried out at national and international level.

The cross-cutting issue of SDGs localization is strictly connected to the one of PCSD: the multi-level governance practice, in Italy, is supported and strengthened within the PCSD NAP, which recognizes the fundamental role of territories, as well as civil society and non-state actors, to act on the policy cycle, for the full promotion and implementation of policy coherence. This link has been highlighted on several occasions by the United Nations, most recently in the context of the Political Declaration of 2023 SDG Summit, with specific reference to paragraph 38s):

We will continue to integrate the SDGs into our national policy frameworks and develop national plans for transformative and accelerated action. We will make implementing the 2030 Agenda and achieving the SDGs a central focus in national planning and oversight mechanisms. We will further localize the SDGs and advance integrated planning and implementation at the local level. We encourage all relevant actors to better address interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs between the Sustainable Development Goals, enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development.


Main topics

National Sustainable Development Strategy

Strategic framework

National Action Plan for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

Monitoring and assessment

Italy at the United Nations and the Voluntary National Reviews

“NSDS System”: actors, mechanisms, tools

Enabling conditions for sustainability: localization, PCSD, culture, participation

Localizing SDGs

Italian territories for Sustainable Development


International activities and collaborations


Policy coherence for sustainable development (PCSD)
Culture for sustainability

Participation for sustainable development


Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/enabling-conditions-sustainability-localization-pcsd-culture-participation