COP28: Italy-Ethiopia memorandum, projects on cooperation for adaptation restart

Fonte immagine: MASEThe signature during the meeting between Minister Pichetto and the Ethiopian Minister for Planning and Development Fitsum Assefa

Dubai, December 2nd – Italy and Ethiopia signed in Dubai, during COP28, a new "Memorandum of Understanding" which starts again the cooperation between the two countries. The signing of the deed took place as part of the bilateral meeting between the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto and the Ethiopian Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa.

The meeting made it possible to address crucial issues of cooperation between the two countries, thus marking a restart also within the framework of the renewed priority of the African continent for Italy.

In fact, the new act establishes the new launch of four projects regarding the objectives of CO2 reduction and adaptation.

“In the coming years – confirms Minister Pichetto – MASE's commitment will focus on resilient and sustainable projects, in a country of strategic importance for Italy which we want to support in its fight against climate change and in the path of economic and social development ”. Among these, some include the introduction of agricultural practices aimed at encouraging the adaptation of local populations and the provision of a water resources collection system in the regional states of Somali and Afar. In the framework of the first MoU, signed between Italy and Ethiopia, six projects were approved, for a total financial commitment of MASE, of approximately 7.2 million Euros.


Fonte immagine: MASE "Fonte immagine: MASE" "Fonte immagine: MASE"

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