Climate Fund: Steering Committee established

Climate Fund: Steering Committee established

It is the main tool for pursuing objectives within international agreements on climate and on environment

Rome, July 13  - The Steering Committee of the Italian Climate Fund took office today. The meeting, chaired by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, was attended by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Edmondo Cirielli and the Undersecretary of the Economy, Lucia Albano, as members of the Committee.

The Fund is the main national public instrument for pursuing the objectives undertaken by our country in the context of international agreements on climate and environment. Its activation confirms the priority that Italy gives to these commitments also in support of those countries most affected by climate change and its effects on sustainable development. Today's settlement marks the start of activities, interventions and the definition of investment priorities.

To this end, the Steering Committee has given a mandate to the fund's management body, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, to prepare the activity plan on the basis of the strategic guidelines approved today.



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