Mexico - UNIDO tenders for support to refrigerant recovery centers

Fonte immagine: MASE L’UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) has republished, through two separate calls for tenders (“Laboratory Equipment” - code 7000002424 and “RAC tools and equipment” - code 7000002425), the procurement procedures for the supply and related installation of machinery and components aimed at supporting two Refrigerant Recovery Centers in Mexico - Ecofrigo Centro de Acopio y Reciclado and Silver Breeze - as part of the second Phase of the National Plan for the Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Elimination, (HCFC), funded by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. 

The previous tender launched by UNIDO between February 6 and March 22,  2017, (code: 7000002171), did not in fact allow the acquisition of all the supplies and components required by the two Mexican Centers, and UNIIDO, in coordination with the National Ozone Unit of the Mexican Government, decided to republish two separate tenders to acquire the missing equipment.

Italian companies operating in this sector can, therefore, submit offers for these two tenders by directly accessing the UNIDO website dedicated to international tenders:

For more information you can visit the page: /pagina/corso

The deadline for submitting offers is July 21, 2017. 



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