Rome: first meeting of the Joint Committee


Rome, June 22, 2018 – The first meeting of the Joint Committee established under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, and the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum of Kenya, was held today on the occasion of the RES4MED Conference.

The meeting was chaired by Francesco La Camera, Director General of the Directorate for Sustainable Development of the Ministry of the Environment, and, for the Kenyan counterpart, Joseph Njoroge, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kenya.

In addition to the work plan, (not yet definitively approved), some possible lines of action were discussed. The counterparty has expressed keen interest in the development of geothermal energy, a rapidly expanding sector which has attracted the interest of Italian investors in recent years. Interest has also been expressed in the energy efficiency of some public buildings. 



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