Fourth meeting of the Joint Committee: focus on waste and sustainable energy


Bonn, May 9, 2018 - The fourth meeting of the Joint Committee was held in Bonn within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, and the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Democratic Republic of Congo.

During the meeting, two concept notes were approved: the first - “Sustainable Energy Services for Rural DRC” - will create a sustainable model to provide clean, reliable and cheap electricity, through an off-grid mini-grid power plant, in a village in the Masisi region; the second - " Kinshasa Waste Collectors Network " - has the purpose of creating a structure for the collection, disposal and regular evacuation of waste in the municipality of Gombe.

During the meeting, an update was also provided on the two initiatives, approved during the third Joint Committee on renewable energy and off-grid systems in rural areas of the country, ("Decentralized networks of off-grid systems based on Renewable Energy Sources and energy efficiency measures”; “Bukavu Green Community as pioneers of an integral and sustainable development in Democratic Republic of Congo”), respectively by the coordinator of the “Africa Center for Sustainable Development”, dr. Pier Carlo Sandei, and by a representative of the Sant'Egidio Community, Dr. Giorgio Barbaglia.


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