Third technical mission in Eswatini


Manzini, May 10, 2019 – a group of MATTM, RINA Consulting, ENEA and UNDP experts, carried out a technical mission to Manzini to develop the project proposal, approved last November by the joint MATTM-MTEA Committee, (Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs), relating to the "Fossil fuel free and green building of the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital". This project provides for the energy requalification of the Manzini hospital for the reduction of climate-altering emissions and the improvement of some services essential to the functioning of the structure such as, among others, water heating, rooms cooling system and instruments’ sterilization.

During the mission, agreements were made with the national energy grid management authority, for the introduction of renewable energy into the grid, a practice still prohibited in Eswatini which will set a first important precedent in the development of renewables in the country.


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