MoU Archive Tunisia

    Memorandum of Understanding (Rome, February 2017 – February 2022)

Cooperation in the field of Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Counterpart: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energy, (MISME)
Allocation: 2 million Euros 
Intervention areas:

  • The promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency;
  • The implementation, monitoring, reporting and communication of the Nationally Determined Contributions - NDCs;
  • Integrated coastal zones management;
  • Promotion of biodiversity;
  • Sustainable waste management.
- Memorandum of Understanding Italy - Tunisia (February 9, 2017, EN
- Work Plan Tunisia - MISME (May 11, 2017, EN)



  05/12/2018  Second Joint Committee meeting: 4 projects approved
  11/05/2017  First Joint Committee with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energy
  15/02/2017  Mitigation and Adaptation: the commitment to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions signed in Paris continues (radio news)



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