

Fonte immagine: MASE

Ukraine is the second largest state in Europe, after European Russia and ahead of France. Although occupying less than 6% of the continent's surface, its territory hosts, according to the data provided by the Convention for Biological Diversity, (MainDetails (, about 35% of its biodiversity. A richness that can be explained by the great variety of ecosystems, river and coastal wetlands, woods and steppes, with the great fertility of the soil and the key position in the migratory routes.

The animal and plant species recorded in its territory are more than 70 thousand and it counts many rare, relict, (extinct in other territories and survived only in small areas of the original range), and endemic species.

Wetlands are particularly important, with 63,000 watercourses and 1.3 million hectares of protected coastal and river areas. It is important to remember that 16% of the country is occupied by forests alternating with grasslands, swamps, saline meadows and the last original European steppes that occupy precisely the southeastern regions of Donetsk, most affected by the war.

The ecological devastation caused by the war in the country is immeasurable. Destruction of natural areas, contamination of the territory, the risks associated with the many dangerous industrial sites affected, destroyed or precarious, and with the installations of nuclear power plants are just a few examples: the one underway is a humanitarian tragedy, and also an environmental one.

MASE and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine signed an Agreement on April 27, 2023.

Cop28, Italy - Ukraine Memorandum on energy transition. Gava: “We support the reconstruction process by focusing on technology and innovation”

Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Vannia Gava, met with Svetlana Grinchuk, Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, (MoU), for cooperation on energy transition and diffusion of renewable sources.

Signed Memorandum of Understanding on environmental protection and sustainable development for reconstruction

Today, in the headquarters of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the Minister, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, and the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Yevhenii Fedorenko, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on environmental cooperation, sustainable development and environmental protection.


    Memorandum of Understanding (Rome, April 2023– April 2028)

Counterpart: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (MEPNR)

Investment areas:

• Improve water management resources and protect water-related ecosystems (SDG 6);
• Promote access to sustainable, renewable and efficient energy (SDG7);
• Promote the adoption of conscious consumption patterns (SDG 12);
• Strengthen and coordinate efforts to combat global climate change and its impacts (SDG 13);
• Promote sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources (SDG 14);
• Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems (SDG 15);
• Increase international support for capacity building in developing countries (SDG 17).


- Memorandum of Understanding MASE - MEPNR (April 27, 2023, EN)




   04/12/2023   Cop28, Italy - Ukraine Memorandum on energy transition. Gava: "We support the reconstruction process by focusing on technology and innovation"
   27/04/2023   Signed Memorandum of Understanding on environmental protection and sustainable development for reconstruction
   23/03/2023   Ucraine, Pichetto: "Italy also supports Kiev on the environment"




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