MoU Archive Lebanon

    Technical Agreement (Beirut, December 2016 – December 2021)

Agreement with the Bank of Lebanon (BDL)

Counterpart: Bank of Lebanon (BDL)
Intervention areas:
Promotion of a facilitated credit line for projects, presented by Lebanese companies in the field of renewable energies and energy saving, which envisage the involvement of Italian companies, or Italian technology, for a value equal to at least 60% of the total amount of the credit required. The MATTM supports this line of credit with a loan of 5 million Euros (video).



- Memorandum of Understanding with the Bank of Lebanon (December 12, 2016, EN
Other investment opportunities in Lebanon
Bank of Lebanon: a new green finance mechanism promotes Italian investments in Lebanon
Environmental collaboration in Lebanon: information document by the Ministry of the Environment (03/07/2017)



    10/01/2017     Ecomondo 2017: satisfaction of Lebanese companies



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