
    The agreement

The environmental collaboration with Montenegro was started with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the "Cooperation for environmental protection" in November 2004. The agreement has allowed the realization of numerous projects in the field of sustainable development, environmental management, energy security and promotion of sustainable tourism.

2016 marked a new phase of relaunch in bilateral collaboration with Montenegro, with the signing of two technical agreements between the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and Sea and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro:

• the Technical Agreement on cooperation for the implementation of the second phase of the project relating to the construction of an eco-efficient building in Podgorica;
• the Technical Agreement on the revision of the management methods of the Italian-Montenegrin Environmental Fund (EMIF).

The new co-financing of the MATTM to support the completion of the construction of the eco-efficient building in Podgorica amounts to 4 million euros.



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