Dominican Republic

    The agreement

On 15th February 2019, in Rome, the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Dominican Republic Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field of vulnerability to climate change, risk assessment, adaptation and mitigation. The Director General for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage and Relations with the European Union and International Organizations, Francesco La Camera, signed for Italy; the Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Octavio Vargas Maldonado signed for the Dominican Republic.

The Italian Ministry of the Environment co-finances the activities approved under the Protocol with an amount of 2 million Euros, which can be integrated with additional funding.

Under the Protocol, the Parties will cooperate, in particular, in the following areas of common interest:

• collection, analysis and dissemination of data relevant to the observation of climate change and measurement of its impacts on potentially vulnerable economic sectors;
• support for the implementation, monitoring, reporting and communication of National Voluntary Contributions (NDCs);
• elaboration of national policies and special programs for coastal zone management;
• promotion of integrated and sustainable water management;
• promotion and development of renewable energies;
• promotion of sustainable agricultural production and farming practices and application of the "climate-smart-agriculture" (CSA) approach;
• conservation of biodiversity and reduction of environmental degradation;
• sustainable waste management;
• sustainable forest management including reduction of deforestation and forest degradation (REDD +);
• exchange of human resources, technical cooperation and information with other global climate change initiatives;
• promotion and dissemination of economic and technological transformation for sustainable low-carbon development.



Memorandum of Understanding Italy – Dominican Repubblic (February 15th, 2019, ENITES)
Medium term work plan (December 12, 2019, EN))



  12/12/2019 First meeting of the Joint Committee 




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