SumItUp - A young mexican girl is the author of the best summary

The young Mexican girl Brenda Rodriguez Orea (20 years old) is the winner of the SumItUp competition with her creative summary of the main messages of #Youth4ClimateLive Series.

The #Youth4ClimateLive Series consisted of 9 webinars, online from June 2020 to February 2021, and each episode looked at climate change through a different angle, whether it be nature-based solutions or youth action.

It is a full of colours visual infographic the one submitted by Brenda, with dozens of concrete examples of climate action presented by the young speakers who attended the webinars. In the infographic a young girls look at these actions with “justice” in her eyes and “solutions” in her voice.

The other two top submissions selected by the audience on the Reach Not Preach platform are Shivani Rai, India, and Kerisa Campbell, Antigua e Barbuda, both with a video. All the three finalists will have their work showcased at the “Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition” event in Milan from September 28 to 30, 2021.

Brenda Rodriguez won also a trip (including travel and accommodation) to present her creative sum-up in person at “Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition”.

The three finalists:



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