Voluntary agreements and certified products (https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/voluntary-agreements-and-certified-products)

Over the years, the Program has involved about 200 paticipants, including companies, municipalities and universities. The companies that join the program, following the signing of a Voluntary Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, complete the process with the certification of data by a third independent party in order to be able to communicate the final results and ensure maximum transparency of the entire process.

The purpose of the Voluntary Agreement program is to implement a realistic test, in collaboration with the Italian production sector, to test on a large scale and optimize the different methodologies for measuring environmental performance, considering the different economic sectors characteristics, in order to harmonize and make them replicable.

Some of the companies, municipalities and universities that joined the Program for the Evaluation of the Environmental Footprint over the years are: Gucci, Gruppo Benetton, Brunello Cucinelli, Cruciani, Lanificio Leo (textile, leather and fashion); Autostrade per l’Italia, Aeroporti di Puglia, Autovie Venete, UniCredit, Telecom Italia, SAP Italia, Telespazio, GiPlanet, Autodromo di Modena, Italo NTV, Auta Marocchi, Polycart, Equitalia, Arval, Intesa San Paolo, Romagna Acque, Gruppo Rem, Cassa Rurale - Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Treviglio, Acque del Chiampo, Chep Italia, Gruppo Finelco S.p.A, Zampieri Holding, Nexive, DHL Express Italy, All Trasporti, Zanutta (infrastructure and services); San Benedetto, Illycaffè, Carlsberg Italia, Venchi, Birra Castello, Pasta Mosconi, Pastificio B&G Alimentari, Conserve Italia, Ferrero, Cereal Docks, Gal Lomellina, Latteria Soresina, Eurovo Srl, Lactalis, Lavazza, Nestlé (food & beverage); Archimede Solar Energy, Enel Green Power (renewable energy); Leroy Merlin, Eataly Real Estate, Carrefour, Gruppo Tuo (retailer); L’Oreal, Pirelli & C., Palazzetti Lelio, MCZ Group, Colorificio San Marco, Dallara, Confindustria Ceramiche, Automobili Lamborghini, Ecopneus, Sabox, Fater, Radici Chimica, Master, ISA, Energaialimus di DENTROILSOLE, Camillo Sirianni, Plastisac SrL (industry); Arnaldo Caprai, LeFay Resort, Hotel Mari del Sud, Biasuzzi Turismo (tourism); Università Cà Foscari Venezia, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università della Calabria, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Università cattolica di Piacenza, Università di Genova, Scuola Holden (education); Comune di Cosenza, Comune di Gemona, Comuni di Leni, Malfa e Santa Marina di Salina, Bastia Umbra (municipality); VSY - Viareggio Super Yacht (boat industry); Rubbettino (publishing).


Companies that currently join the Program are:

Birra Castello, Fomet Spa, Latteria di Soligo S.A.C., Colline di Marostica Società Agricola S.R.L., Rigoni di Asiago S.R.L., Lunardon Michele, Maculan Società Agricola di Fausto Maculan e figli S.S., Caseificio Pennar, Asiago S.C.A., Gruppo Bianchi di Panozzo Cesare & C. S.A.S., Morato Pane, Gruppo Lactalis Italia srl, Zampieri Holding, OVS, E2i, Go Technology, SIPA, NTFood.

The following products, services and organizations have been certified:


Company name


Product certified

Certification validity

Company website communication

Birra Castello


Different formats and types of packaging (glass and can) of the lines: La Decisa; La Rubina


https://www.birracastello.it/it/sostenibilita-ambientale/ (https://www.birracastello.it/it/sostenibilita-ambientale/)

Luciana Mosconi

Egg pasta/Food

Egg pasta in the following formats: Nidi 500 g; Nidi 250 g; Nidi 320 g


https://www.lucianamosconi.com/ambiente/ (https://www.lucianamosconi.com/ambiente/)

Master Italy


Facade accessories, door accessories, comfort line, Italia line, tilt and turn door


https://www.masteritaly.com/ambiente/ (https://www.masteritaly.com/ambiente/)

Acque Minerali
San Benedetto

Mineral waters

Mineral waters and Soft Drinks


https://www.sanbenedetto.it/it/sostenibilita/ambientale/ecogreen/ (https://www.sanbenedetto.it/it/sostenibilita/ambientale/ecogreen/)


Ice cream

Small jar; Three layers small jar; Fruttiamo; Amando


https://sostenibilita.sammontana.it/risultati.html (https://sostenibilita.sammontana.it/risultati.html)


Flexible packaging

Shrink film printed off-line 1kg; shrink film supplied to Granarolo 1 kg



Rigoni di Asiago


Organic fruit juices


https://www.rigonidiasiago.it/sostenibilita/ (https://www.rigonidiasiago.it/sostenibilita/) 

Morato Pane

Industrial baking

Spuntinelle Line, Bruschelle Line, American White Bread Line and American Wholemeal Bread Line


https://www.moratopane.com/it/sostenibilita (https://www.moratopane.com/it/sostenibilita)


Industrial bread making without gluten and lactose

Nutrifree Panbauletto line, Wholemeal Panbauletto, Nutifree Panfette; Nutrifree Wholemeal Panfette; Nutrifree Panfette with Cereals, Nutrifree Panfette for Bruschetta



Zampieri Holding

Cargo transport

Road freight service


https://zampieriholding.it/trasporti-ecosostenibili/ (https://zampieriholding.it/trasporti-ecosostenibili/)


GDO clothing

Some OVS stores in Rome, Mestre, Milan and Ferrara


https://wecare.ovscorporate.it/it/impronta-ambientale/ (https://wecare.ovscorporate.it/it/impronta-ambientale/)


Wind farm/Energy

New generation wind plant in Mazara del Vallo



Go Technology






PET processing and recycling

Processing of recycled PET flakes for the production of preforms for containers of food and non-food products


https://www.sipa.it/it/sostenibilita (https://www.sipa.it/it/sostenibilita)




Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/voluntary-agreements-and-certified-products